
Mini Stroke Symptoms for Women

Mini Stroke Symptoms for Women

When talking about the mini stroke symptoms for women, the first question that probably comes in people's mind is what exactly a mini stroke is.

A mini stroke is, in many occasions, considered a sort of warning for the possibility of a regular stroke to appear. If a mini stroke occurs and no prevention steps are made, you're incurring in the risk of suffering another stroke (and possibly bigger, as well).

In the US, there are about 500,000 mini strokes every single year. When talking about a stroke, it's usually related to the brain cells getting damaged.

As you probably know, the brain is responsible for pretty much every activity in our daily life, but to do so, it needs oxygen. The blood that comes from your heart and brings the oxygen the brain needs. In a stroke, there is some sort of blockage of the vessels that bring the blood, which will stop the oxygen from coming into your brain cells.

What Are the Mini Stroke Symptoms for Women?

The signs that a mini stroke brings are directly related to how severe the attack is. These symptoms appear instantly and will usually last anytime from a few minutes to a full day and will disappear.

Do not let the disappearance of the symptoms make you forget that this is a very serious condition that needs to be taken care of to prevent further damage.

Despite being different from a regular stroke in concept, the symptoms that appear related to it are pretty much identical with the sole difference that when having a mini stroke, the symptoms will not last for over 24 hours (make sure to check a doctor as soon as you detect or even suspect some of the symptoms of stroke, as the only way to truly prevent the damage it brings to the brain cells if it is treated properly with enough time).

With the right side of the brain taking care of the left part of your body and vice versa, when the signs are visible they will likely only be noticeable on one side of the body and not on both. One common method to check if there's something wrong with someone is to ask him or her to smile. If the smile turns out to by asymmetric then it could be a very visible mini stroke symptom for women.

The Mini Stroke Symptoms for Women:

First, muscle weakness is probably one of the easiest ways of detecting a stroke. Particularly, take note about any strange behavior of the muscles of the face, leg, or arm. It's probably more noticeable on only one side of the body. A feeling of numbness is also very commonly reported.

While it's not always the case, if the attack occurs in the speech centers of the heart, you'll quickly notice that the person will have a hard time speaking and understanding what people say.

Sometimes (again, depending on where the attack actually occurs) it may be the mood and emotions that get affected, causing some very sudden mood swings.

Memory losses, difficulty in writing and reading, dizziness, having a hard time walking are also some very common signs.

When noticing any of these mini stroke symptoms for women it's best for you to see a doctor as soon as possible. Then, you'll need to take good care of your heart.